The five guiding principles that Write-London aims to adhere to are;
safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness and empowerment.
These guiding principles form the core focus of our values, which are to always be:
Improvement-focused: The core value of Write-London is to be participant led and to reflect the wishes and input of those we work with to supply the best creative environment we can. We continually seek feedback from participants and partner organisations with a view to always improving what we do. This forms the foundation of all five of the guiding principles which Write-London adheres to.
Collaborative: Write-London always aims to collaborate with those we are working with, both individuals and organisations, to create artistic work without a hierarchy of power. Facilitators and participants are all equal creative partners in the work created. Giving participants the choice to choose what to explore as part of their creative journeys is paramount to the work Write-London does. No one is ever asked to explore or look at traumas or any issue that many affect them, if they wish to explore such areas creatively it must be their choice and not guided by the group or facilitators. Each person’s creativity is their own.
Open and Inclusive: Write-London aims to provide an opportunity for all individuals regardless of their unique and personal needs to express themselves creatively in a safe and supported environment.
Knowing our Limitations: Write-London facilitators are not social workers, therapists, councillors, case workers, or any other of the myriad of professionals that individuals with complex or additional needs may need to call upon. Write-London facilitators are professional artists who are specifically trained and experienced allowing them to provide a safe and supportive environment for creative exploration and expression and to signpost individuals to the correct support pathways should additional support be required for issues outside the remit of what Write-London delivers. This ensures the safety of everyone engaging with Write-London and allows us to be honest and trustworthy with those we are working with.